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Hindi-English > निर्भिकता का दिखावा करना

निर्भिकता का दिखावा करना in English

pronunciation: [ nirbhikata ka dikhava karana ]  sound:  
show a bold front
show a bold front
show a brave front
निर्भिकता    boldness
का    presumably belonging to of by squander encode
का दिखावा करना    err on the side of का presumably belonging to
दिखावा    acting posturing pretence pretense
दिखावा करना    splurge flash parade posture simulate
करना    transaction commission advertising commence

What is the meaning of निर्भिकता का दिखावा करना in English and how to say nirbhikata ka dikhava karana in English? निर्भिकता का दिखावा करना English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.